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Gail Brown CPhT.

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Gail is the lead compounding pharmacy technician at the pharmacy. She has been compounding for over five years and sincerely enjoys providing this important service… Read More »Gail Brown CPhT.

March 2012 Wellness Newsletter — Monitoring High Blood Pressure at Home

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Has your doctor recommended keeping closer tabs on your blood pressure? One convenient way to do this is by monitoring your blood pressure at home, in between doctor visits. You can do this in a matter of minutes.

But first, a refresher. What is blood pressure and what do the numbers mean? Blood pressure is the force of blood pushing against the walls of your arteries. Blood pressure is actually the measure of two numbers.  Systolic pressure is the force on artery walls when your heart beats. Diastolic pressure is the force on your arteries between beats – when your heart is relaxed. Blood pressure is invisible and silent, but can also be deadly when it’s too high – 140/90 or higher.1Read More »March 2012 Wellness Newsletter — Monitoring High Blood Pressure at Home